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Teaching Highlights

Teaching Highlights

Small Class Size

  • Small class size (25 to 30 students per class)
  • Increased attention and opportunities for students
  • Precise teaching and tutoring to enhance classroom efficiency


Mentor Programme

  • An academic mentor and a life mentor for each student
  • Each student has an exclusive tutor to provide one-to-one comprehensive humanistic and
    spiritual care in terms of academics, psychology, life, social interaction, and further education.
  • Tailored growth plans based on student’s personal circumstances and future development.
  • Cultivate student’s self-awareness and foster their self-education and personal growth.
  • Create personal development portfolios and a comprehensive quality assessment system.
  • Flourish through choices and thrive through evaluations.

Differentiate Teaching

  • Respects and values every student’s uniqueness and personalities.
  • We don’t use one standard to measure every student.
  • Teaching in small groups in daily classroom, reading, and inquiry activities


  • A multicultural campus that brings together students and teachers from over 20 countries.
  • Courses in both the native language and a second foreign language are available, enabling
    students to develop strong language skills.
  • Integrated Curriculum: Besides CNC, International programmes like IB and AL are also available.
  • International education: Better prepared students in the era of globalisation.

Experiential Learning

  • ISA takes the world as the textbook, questions as the introduction, concepts as the driving force,
    and inquiry as the main teaching and learning approach.
  • Provide practice and experience beyond the classroom, carry out inquiry activities in
    multi-cultural campus with a sense of science and technology, and conduct field research in museums,
    art galleries, entrepreneurship parks and other places outside the campus.
  • Learn and improve research, communication, thinking, social and self-management skills in the
    process of inquiry, practice and stimulate children’s unlimited potential.
